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Platonic Solids and Modular Origami Polyhedra

Platonic Solids and Modular Origami Polyhedra

Material: Square paper (about 10-12 cm in length) Objective: Students get to know about modular origami, Platonic solids, and stellation. Topics: Modular origami, Platonic Solids Presentation What are Platonic Solids? Platonic Solids are a unique set of five polyhedra that possess the remarkable property of having all their faces and vertices equal. The five Platonic … Continued

Origami Magic Crane and Graph Theory

Origami Magic Crane and Graph Theory

Material: Square paper of any size that participants are comfortable with, pen/pencil, colored pencils, or crayons. Objectives: Students understand the principle behind the two-colorable crane model and are introduced to graph theory, or be able to understand the proof to reinforce some concepts. Topics: crease, flat foldable, graph concepts. Activities: Introduce students to fundamental concepts … Continued

Applying Fujimoto approximation in folding Origami Spirals

Applying Fujimoto approximation in folding Origami Spirals

Materials: Strips of paper with sides about 5x30cm long (which can be obtained by dividing the width of a piece of A4 paper into 4 equal parts), board, and writing markers. Objectives: Students understand the principle of this approximation method, the bases of numbers, other parts of number theory, and the general algorithm, and then … Continued



We find ourselves at the glorious finale of our incredible journey, “The Tiles of Math-Art Bridge.” As we ventured into this intersection of Math and Art after the captivating “Origamics,” the workshop unfolded with a delightful array of activities that were both enlightening and rewarding. Participants not only expanded their knowledge but also engaged in … Continued



The “How Math Meets Art” workshop series kicked off with a burst of energy and excitement, starting with the captivating world of “Origamics”. Together, we embarked on a thrilling journey, exploring the endless possibilities of origami as a form of art and craftsmanship. As we set off on this adventure, we discovered the magical intersection … Continued

Origami: How numbers revolutionized an art form

Origami: How numbers revolutionized an art form

Author: Tri Le As early as the invention of paper, humans have been toying around with folding paper into aesthetically pleasing figures. Origami is an art form so easily accessible that children can pick up a square piece of paper and make a crane or two, yet artists are still breaking new ground in it … Continued