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For most individuals, the worlds of Math and Art often evoke contrasting impressions. Art is often seen as romantic, powerful, and uplifting, whereas Math is perceived as dry, abstract, and seemingly meaningless. However, is this always the case?

The “Where Math meets Art” project was born out of a desire to debunk such misconceptions. Created by a group of passionate high-schoolers in Hanoi, this initiative aims to shed light on the profound connections and interdependence between Math and Art. By doing so, it hopes to inspire students, particularly those who struggle with Math, to approach the subject with a more relaxed mindset.

Within our platform, you will discover a plethora of mathematical ideas explored through various art and craft forms. From origami and tessellation to fractal art and edible painting, we delve into an extensive range of artistic expressions. Our project is not limited to theoretical explorations; we actively engage secondary students in hands-on workshops, encouraging them to tackle Math problems through art education and create their own DIY projects using precise mathematical methods.

Furthermore, we offer meticulously designed lesson plans that integrate Math and Arts, providing educators with innovative ideas for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) lessons. If you’re interested, you can also access video tutorials captured during our practical workshops on Origami, Tessellation, and Fractal Art. Additionally, we have an enlightening webinar featuring the renowned scientist and Origami artist, Robert J. Lang, who shares his vast knowledge and inspiration.

Join us on this exciting journey where Math and Art intertwine, and let us inspire you to see the beauty and creativity that lies within the realm of numbers. Together, we can change the way Math is perceived and make learning a truly enjoyable and enriching experience.

We are honored to introduce our members and contributors:

Lê Vũ Minh Trí (Founder/ President/Artist/Syllabus Designer/Mentor ) – Ha Noi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted

Lê Ngọc Bảo Anh ( Multimedia Designer /Mentor)

Nguyễn Duy Anh (Content Writer/Mentor) – Ha Noi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted

Lê Vũ Đức Trí ( Mentor/Content creator/Editor)- Hanoi- Amsterdam High School for the Gifted

Nguyễn Đức Minh Tâm (Mentor/Content Writer) – Ha Noi-Amsterdam High School for the Gifted